“International Scientific Research Association”  and  “Research Culture Society”  are organizing conferences every year on different themes as a conference series: (Conferences Titles are Registered)

Colleges, Institutions, Universities are welcome to join as the co-organizer collaborator in the below conference series. 


ICSETI –  International Conference on Science, Engineering & Technological Innovations.

ICAET  –  International Conference on Advance Engineering and Technology.

ICSEGT –  International Conference on Sustainable Environment  and  Green Technology.

ECSETI  –  Eurasian Conference on Science, Engineering & Technological Innovations.


ECRI  –   European Conference on Research and Innovations.

ISRC  –  International Scientific Research Conference.

IMSRC –   International Multidisciplinary Scientific Research Conference

ICRI  –    International Conference on Research and Innovations


ECHBS  –   European Conference on Healthcare and Biological Sciences.

ICHMBS  –  International Conference on Healthcare, Medical and Biological Sciences.


ICBMSEA  –  International Conference on Commerce, Management and Social Sciences Research.

ECBMSEA  –  Eurasian Conference on Business, Management, Social and Economical Advancements.

ISCBMSS –  International Scientific Conference on Business Management and Social Sciences.

ICCMSSR  –  International Conference on Commerce, Management and Social Sciences Research

ICEFB   –   International Conference on Economics, Finance and Business.

WCEBAD –   World Conference on Economic, Business and Agricultural Development.


ICLLLS  –   International Conference on Literature, Languages and Linguistics Studies

ICLLR   –   International Conference on Literature, Languages and Religions.

ICGTELLL  –  International Conference on Global Trends in English Language, Literature and Linguistics.

ICREA  –    International Conference on Religions and Ethical Aspects.

WSRC –   World Scientific Research Conference of Arts, Humanities and Languages


ICLSGM  –  International Conference on Literature, Society & the Global Media.

ICPLJ    –    International Conference on Politics, Law and Journalism


ICGRTHE –  International Conference on Global Research Trends in Higher Education.

ICETL   –   International Conference on  Education,  Teaching and Learning.

ECDSED  –   Eurasian Conference on ‘Digitalization, Socialization and Educational Development’.

ICGGPA  –   International Conference on Global Goals and Peace Aspects

ACHERD  –   Asian Conference on Higher Education Research and Development 


We can also launch or organize conference, seminar, congress, and symposium  on other themes and topics.   


  Proposal of  Conference / Seminar, Congress / Symposium view-details
 Proposal Letter draft – Download   :     Collaboration of Event with us      


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