The overarching goal of the ‘International Scientific Research Association’ (ISRA)/ ‘Research Culture Society’, (RCS-ISRO) is to grow and maintain successful relationships with international professors, scientists, scholars, researchers, students and industry delegates through collaborative, open partnerships, strong communication and clearly defined level of services that the Society and Chapters will provide to members.  Erasmus+  Projects and other development Programs also covered in our chapters. 
Our aim is to enhance the collaborative activities, research programs and interest among teaching faculty members, research scholars, students, intellectual professionals and industry delegates of all fields. 
Benefits : Chapter members will get a soft copy Membership card and some concession in the participation of our events/programs.  Members can be invited as the speaker of any event/program.  Networking with scholarly academicians and industry delegates.
Become a Chapter Member:     RCS-ISRO    and /  or     ISRA
Chapter membership is open for professors, academicians, researchers, students, individual citizens and industry delegates : Appointed persons names are verifiable at :
Age Criteria :   21 to 65
Chapter Membership Process:  Submit –  Candidate Name, Email ID, Mobile Number,  Name with Photo ID proof copy  and payment ship copy  by EMAIL  to  :
Chapter Membership  Fee  :    (For 2 Years)  
$ 10 USD  – for  citizens from  developing countries. 

$ 20 USD  – for  citizens from  developed countries. 

 Countries – States – Chapters  List


  • Chapter membership    and    RCS-ISRO / ISRA  Professional memberships  both are different. 


Send your interest  or  inquiry  at: