Book and Thesis Publication with ISBN:     

We provide International Book / Thesis Publication with ISBN :  Print &  e-Book as following category :  ( Book publication in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi & Sanskrit Languages only.)

  • Books / Monograph with ISBN  –   Print / Online  (if online with  DOIs )
  • CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS with ISBN   –   Print / Online  (if online with  DOIs )
  • ABSTRACT Book with ISBN  –   Print / Online   (if online with  DOIs )
  • EDITED BOOK with ISBN  –   Print / Online  (if online with  DOIs )
  • THESIS with ISBN   –   Print / Online   (if online with  DOIs )
  • Academic Dissertation as Monograph  with ISBN –   Print / Online   (if online with  DOIs )
  • PROJECT Report Book with ISBN  –   Print / Online   (if online with  DOIs )
  • PRACTICAL Book with ISBN  –    Print / Online   (if online with  DOIs )
  • Publication of Books with quality and standards of ISBN.   ( 10 / 10+2  complimentary copies )
  • Page size :  A4,  A5 (5.5″x 8.5″) ,  Digest,    with 70/80 gsm.
  • Color, plastic coated cover: Hard bound,  Perfect Binding / Saddle-stitching / Coptic Binding.
Published  ISBN Books  Library   (Title – Author/Editor – ISBN)         =>
Steps   —  Book / Thesis / Dissertation / Edited Volume Publication  
Total time of publication and dispatch :-  approx. 10 to 20  days.
Step 1 =>  DOWNLOAD ISBN Application Form, fill all required details and send back us by Email to :-      ( After receiving your application, Our Publication Editor will send  Book Publishing Agreement to the Author / submitter ). CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD@
Step 2 =>  Author / Book Editor need to send us – 1) Agreement Form &  2) Processing-Publishing Charge payment copy by Email attachment.  
Step 3 =>  Our office will apply for ISBN as per received details in application form.  ISBN allotment:  approx.  3 to 6  days. (or depends on ISBN portal service of RRRNA),  
Step 4 =>  Author / Edited Book Editor need to send us  2 files in only editable M.S word format :-   DOWNLOAD  Sample File   —   File 1). All prior pages – Preface to Table of Contents. ;,    File 2).  Introduction to  References, Annexure etc.  and  Front cover page photos   [ Authors can send own choice clear Photos/Images  by email attachment. ] CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD@
Step 5 =>  Manuscript / Script files Proof Reading and Setup,  Cover page preparation time with barcode :-  approx. 7 days.     
Step 6 =>  After confirmation and observation final Book Cover and full soft copy  by  Author  Printing will be start.  (approx. 3 to 7 days)  
Step 7 =>  Dispatch by postal service to Author’s Address  

Book Publication Subject Fields :
  • Thesis / Dissertation
  • Long research communications
  • Conference / Seminar Proceedings
  • Collection of Poems
  • Collection of short stories
  • Critical theories
  • Social-Medieval stories
  • Fiction-Non Fiction
  • Science fiction
  • Satire
  • Art & Drama
  • Action and Adventure
  • Romance
  • Mystery
  • Horror
  • Self help
  • Health
  • Guide
  • Travel
  • Children’s
  • Science & Technology
  • Health Sciences
  • History
  • Math
  • Anthology
  • Poetry
  • Encyclopedias
  • Dictionaries
  • Comics
  • Cookbooks
  • Diaries
  • Prayer books
  • Trilogy
  • Biographies
  • Autobiographies
  • Fantasy 
  • Political discussion and updates
  • Religion, Spirituality & New Age
  • Ethical study
  • All other topics covered under the educational fields/subjects.

Print Book Publication charge : ISBN (Print) (For Academic score based – 10 / 10+2  book copies) Online Book Publication charge : ISBN (O) (For Academic score based – online book)
Rs.5000 INR  /  $ 100 USD ( upto 120 pages)

Rs.6000 INR  /  $ 150 USD ( 121 to 200 pages)

Rs.7000 INR  /  $ 200 USD ( 201 to 300 pages)

Rs.8000  INR  /  $ 250 USD ( 301 to 400 pages)

Rs.7000  INR /  $ 150 USD  ( upto 200 pages)

Rs.9000  INR /  $ 200 USD ( 201 to 300 pages)

Rs.11000  INR /  $ 300 USD ( 301 to 450 pages)

 with ISBN (Online)

Print Book Publication charge :                (For selling and royalty based) Online Book Publication charge :                (For selling and royalty based)

Require minimum 50 books order   (as per number of pages and copies) 

Rs.200  to  1500 INR  /  $ 20 to 150 USD 

As per the number of pages and field
Publication of  Special Issue  /  Edited Issue /  Proceedings =>  Visit:-
Conference, Seminar, Congress , Symposium      =>

Proceedings,   Special Edition  /  Edited Issue,  Chapter Book


Note: Book publication charge inclusive of costs like cover page design, layout work, design of book, proof reading,  ISBN Number process and with printing of 10 / 10+2 Complimentary Copies. For inside color pages charge will be extra.  Re-print charge will be extra as per requirement of book copies. 

Book soft copy submission Format & Style:  Book / Monograph / Edited Book/ Thesis / Dissertation :

Authors have to send / submit full soft copy for review and proofreading with contents and details in editable MS word file format. ( Normal page layout, Page size – A4, Font size -12, headings/sub titles – 12 Bold,  Line space – 1.0  OR  1.15 in Double/single column with at least  normal margin – 2.54 cm  on all sides.   Author / Edited Book Editor need to send us  2 files in only editable M.S word format :-  File 1). All prior pages – Preface to Table of Contents,   and  File  2).  Introduction to  References, Annexure etc.  

Full Soft copy in 2 Files Part: ( with own selection cover image/ photos )

File – 1.  (Prior Pages in editable M.S. word file format) 

  • Page 1. –  Title of the Book  and   Author’s name / Edited Book Editor’s  Designation(s), Affiliation 
  • Page 2. –  Copyright Page / Publisher page (2,3,4 blank)
  • Page 3. –  Preface
  • Page 4. –  About the Book 
  • Page 5. –  About the Authors / Book Editors  (short biography as paragraph with photo) 
  • Other pages as per author’s / book editor’s choice /  Message of principal/VC/etc.
  • Table of Content page/ Index (with 3 column setup & border,  main headings,  serial number as 1., 2., 3., …..)                     

File – 2  (Main Book contents –  all in a single file – in editable M.S. word file format)

  • Introduction   to   References,  Annexure etc.  (in continuation of page number to File 1.) [if authored book]
  • One by One Full Paper/ Article / Abstracts.  (in continuation of page number to File 1.) [if edited / proceedings / special issue book]

References : should be cited in the style prescribed in the publication manual of  (APA / MLA  Or any specific).

Cover page Photos/Images:  Authors/Book Editors can send us own choice of photos/images as clear .jpg/.png file in email attachment.

Figures & Tables:  Each figure, table, Equations, Images should be numbered and titled. The position of the figure or table should be indicated in the text on a separate line  at center. i.e Table 1 (title), Fig.1 (title).

Language:   We publish books in English,  Hindi,  Gujarati  &  Sanskrit Language only.

Royalty:  The published books are put on sale with the online indexing book stores/ repositories and the authors / writers are entitle to receive 60% / 70% (for printing) or  50% (for online) of the royalty amount on sale of every book. For publication in bunch numbers more royalty will be given as per sale of books.

Book Publication Online Form :    Submit Online


Send your inquiries to:

The Managing  Editor : –